Wednesday, July 9, 2008

as the sun shines through the clouds...

so it's wednesday and how the week has flown by already!  i'm in longview for the rest of the summer and it has been somewhat of an adjustment.  i've been busy during the days because world changers hit longview on monday!  i started monday with a crew full of past world changers...alumni that is...and began tearing the shingles, tar paper, nails, and drip-edge off of the roof.  it is quite toasty up there, as is to be expected in july in texas, but it is all worth it to be able to improve the living environment for a family and bring the light of christ to their lives.  as of today, all we have left to finish is shingling the front portion of the roof!  as i went on this mission trip in high school, i always enjoyed it because it had to do with improving the community and peoples lives and i enjoy it even more now!  knowing that this is the track that my career path is following, i'm excited and encouraged to walk through the door the lord has provided for me and walk through it with no doubts.  

as i write and conclude, i have three sleepy weenie dogs laying next to me and oh, what a nice life they live!